
Display business address Google Map on your website

Go to on the web. Type your organization's address into the search box, and then hit [Enter]. Google Maps will display a pin on a map indicating the location. Select the hamburger menu in the left top corner, then choose Share or embed map. Then click on the embed a map tab. Click on copy html[Figure A]. Figure A Login to your Wordpress site paste the code and the save the page.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP is an open-source library that provides a simple way to create web pages that are compelling, smooth, and load near instantaneously for users. AMP pages are just web pages that you can link to and are controlled by you. JavaScript is powerful, it can modify just about every aspect of the page, but it can also block DOM construction and delay page rendering. To keep JavaScript from delaying page rendering, AMP allows only asynchronous JavaScript. External resources such as images, ads or iframes must state their size in the HTML so that AMP can determine each element’s size and position before resources are downloaded. AMP loads the layout of the page without waiting for any resources to download. CSS blocks all rendering, it blocks page load, and it tends to get bloated. In AMP HTML pages, only inline styles are allowed. This removes 1 or often more HTTP requests from the critical rendering path compared to most web pages.

Chose The Right Freelance For Your Business

As a leading freelance in India, we simplify the process of brand identity design by providing corporate branding solutions to your business needs. We build mobile responsive websites exactly customized to your requirement. We provide all web services in designing, developing and maintaining an effective web presence for your business. You can select the most suitable website development services that are related to your needs from the ones mentioned below. In case you are not sure how to make the right choice, get in touch with us and we can help you understand technical aspects for the scope of work and also provide a relevant cost estimate.

Advantages of WordPress Website

Here are ten key benefits of using WordPress for your website: Themes allow you to change the design of your website quickly. It comes with an inbuilt dashboard where users can add new pages, posts, or categories, change themes and settings, and much more. As mobile has become the best place to fetch traffic for business websites, they need to be responsive to reach the potential buyers on the mobile channel. Plugins are the backbone of this platform. There are over 10,000 plugins available that help you add all kinds of functionality to your sites, like social media sharing, SEO, photo slideshows, and much more. WooCommerce, the free eCommerce plugin for WordPress, enables the creation of highly appealing and feature-packed e-commerce stores. WooCommerce integrates seamlessly with WordPress and serves as a powerful e-commerce solution. They are easy to update. If you can create a Word document, you can publish a new article to your WordPress website. Once it is set up, you...